Follow The Son


“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

Over the weekend my daughter and I took a photo walk through the Sunflower Festival near our house. Sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers because they seem so bright and cheery. I can’t help but smile when I see one.

Here are a few fascinating fact about sunflowers that we can apply to our lives:

Growing sunflowers always face the sun during the day. These young flowers will literally follow the sun as it moves across the sky. They have a similar internal clock as we do called circadian rhythms. It is “the behavioral changes tied to an internal clock . . . , which follows a roughly 24 hour cycle.” What is fascinating about this is that it faces east in the morning because the growth rate is higher in the morning and will follow the sun as it moves across the sky towards the west when the growth rate is higher at night.

Mature sunflowers respond differently to the sun. As their growth process slows down their circadian rhythm makes sure that the plant responds more strongly to the morning sun. This is why it stops following the sun across the sky. Some of the plants will turn west and stay that way but researches have discovered that the east facing plants attract five times as many helpful pollinators as the west facing plants. The reason? The east facing plants heat up faster which attracts bees quicker.

These plants instinctively know that they need the sun to grow. Not only do they need the sun to grow but they also know the importance of spreading and growing newer plants

As we mature spiritually we learn the importance of always facing the Son. We know we have to constantly read and memorize His Word as well as spend time with Him in prayer. It is only when we maintain our relationship with Jesus that we can be more effective in spreading the Good News to others.

Let us be like these beautiful flowers and never take our eyes off the Son.

(Note: Quote taken from The Mystery Of Why Sunflowers Turn To Follow The Sun.)

Author: kristalea

Welcome to our family blog. Hope you enjoy reading about our many adventures.

2 thoughts on “Follow The Son

  1. I never knew why the flowers followed the sun and that bees seek out warmer flowers. What a great reminder to keep our eyes on Jesus!

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